COVID-19: Infection Control and Prevention

Should I wait to put my relative into a care home? 

During these challenging times, it is only natural that you will be concerned about your vulnerable loved ones.

Let us put your mind at ease.

We take pride in the fact that we have always ensured the highest level of hygiene and care for our residents and staff alike. Since the rise of COVID-19, we have taken this level even higher

Here are some things that we have in place for infection control and prevention in all of our homes: 

  • Our care homes have COVID-19 infection control policies and procedures (IFCPP), which are checked and approved by CQC (Care Quality Commission).
  • Our staff are fully trained on these infection control policies and procedures and our management team help to ensure that the standards are being met, through daily competency checks. This includes checking the proper wearing and disposal of PPE equipment. 
  • We rigorously follow Government guidance for COVID-19 visiting and testing in all of our homes.
    • Every day at our Head Office, we audit and check all digital records to ensure that:
      • Everyone who should have been tested has been tested.
      • We have had their result back.
      • Their result is negative. 
    • Every day in our homes, management ensures that everyone (staff and where applicable visitors) are wearing and using their PPE properly and that all Infection Control processes are being strictly followed
  • All data related to our infection control policy is collected and audited in our Digital Care Management System. 

If you have a loved one who is in need of care, we hope that our infection control procedures give you peace of mind in your decision to make the move to one of our residential care homes. 

We are always happy to answer any questions about infection control and how we respond to COVID-19. Please call or email us on 01684 215162 or

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